A hot new list of interview questions today has everything to do with social media and online networking. With more employees getting on-board with social media as part of an employer’s multi-channel promotional campaign is being the new norm.
Just 10 years asking whether a candidate tweets was unheard of.
Now, social media is a constant for many.
Here is a growing list of interview questions for those within social media, but also job candidates who have social media and online networking as only a partial component of their every-day responsibilities.
1. What social media and online networking accounts do you have experience with?
2. Do you have any involvement with the development of apps or other online tools to assist with your social media and networking activities?
3. What tools are you comfortable using to assist with SM activities?
4. Do you have experience with getting media to go viral?
5. What is your experience with new media (webinars, teleseminars) in relation to social media?
6. Any success with file and photo sharing sites? How did you accomplish that success?
7. How has your social media activities changed in the last year? How do you see your activities changing in the next year?
8. Do you integrate corporate branding into your overall social media strategies?
9. Tell me more about your success with your online activities.
10. Where do you focus your online energy? What seems to work best? What doesn’t?
11. What have you done to improve return-on-investment (ROI) for employers?
12. What has been your success rate with building online followers, engaged prospects/customers, and interactive experience?
13. What has been your involvement with leveraging social media accounts to use for customer service, customer retention?
14. What is your Klout score?
15. How many LinkedIn connections are currently within your network? Why so many? Why so few?
16. How have your online activities improved visits to your employer’s website? Increased leads? Increased followers?
17. How do you leverage your online activities? What sets you apart?
18. How much of your daily schedule do you dedicate to your online activities?
19. Can you provide an example of how you used social media to secure a new client or maybe retain a current one?
20. What type of deliverables do you create to help engage your online networks?
21. Do you have different strategies for each of your social media accounts?
22. What are your thoughts on privacy and transparency in relation to social media?
23. Do you have experience managing a team charged with tweeting and conducting status updates to online accounts?
24. Have you ever produced a best practices or operations manual that outlines the dos and don’ts for employees when they are representing their employer online?
25. What is your experience with SEO and SEM?
26. How many online profiles do you currently have?
27. Are you a fan of allowing blog comments? What are your policies regarding open discussion on blogs?
28. Provide me with a quick overview of the last 2-3 social media campaigns that you managed?
29. What software or online tools do you use to further leverage your online activities?
30. Why do you think employers should use social media? When do you think they should not?