Expert 1-on-1 Interview Coaching
Coaching by a Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP). We Help You Land More Job Offers.
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Interview Questions for Marketing Managers
Advancements in technology continue to fuel the marketing industry. Marketing managers will need to show they have kept ...

Interview Questions for Insurance Agents
Need a list of insurance interview questions? As the millennial generation continues to force a shift from traditional marketing ...

21 Healthcare Administrator Interview Questions
Few industries are as hotly debated or universally needed as health care. Job candidates for positions in health ...

29+ Interview Questions To Ask Sales Reps
When compiling a list of interview questions for those in management, I stressed that prepping for the best interview ...

33 Interview Questions for Administrative Support Staff
The foundation of any profitable company is made up of an effective and productive support staff. The receptionists ...

20+ Interview Questions for Paralegals/Legal Assistants
Job opportunities for legal support professionals are expected to grow as the numbers of law school graduates declines. Additionally, demand for ...

20 Interview Questions for Veterinary Technologists
Planning for an upcoming interview and need a list of veterinary technician interview questions? If so, you're not ...

25+ Interview Questions to Ask Supervisors & Managers
Prepping for the most common interview questions for managers and supervisors can make a huge difference in how ...

How Would Your Subordinates Describe Your Management Style?
If you've struggled with the "What's Your Management Style" interview question, you're not alone. Answering this seemingly simple ...

20.5 Interview Questions for Real Estate Agents
Are you prepping for an upcoming job interview and need a sample list of real estate interview questions? ...

Interview Questions for Financial Services Professionals
Targeting a job in financial services? Do you have an upcoming interview and need a list of common ...

How to Address Long-Term Unemployment in an Interview
For the long-term unemployed, remaining upbeat in the job search can seem like a super human feat. Feelings ...

Dressing for an Interview for Women
Many of us were raised not to judge others by their appearance. Society has made it a moral ...

What? No Interview SWOT Analysis? What’s Wrong With You?
What? Your work is nowhere near done, just because you scheduled an interview. Even this dog knows something ...

Travel Tips For When Your Job Interview is a Flight Away
While many companies are taking advantage of Skype technology to conduct long-distance interviews, at some point in the ...

How to Make a Positive Impression in Just 7 Seconds
Interviewing gurus and career professionals have advised jobseekers for years to practice and focus the interview around the ...

12 Tips for Virtual Interview Success
While face-to-face interviews are the ideal, a growing number of companies are opting to meet job candidates virtually ...
Master List of Interview Questions — Broken Down by Job Role
If you are preparing for an upcoming interview, there is no way of knowing the exact questions you will be asked. You can, however, anticipate general areas that will be covered and prepare accordingly. The more you know about yourself, the position, and the company, the more impressive you will be. Preparation is essential to success! The following is a sampling of common interview questions to use as a starting point as your practice for your next job interview: Why are you interested ...
Prepping for the most common interview questions for managers and supervisors can make a huge difference in how you deliver your answers. What's changed over the years? Well, supervisors and managers can expect the stock questions they've likely seen for years — but also need to prep for behavioral and situational interview questions for that next supervisory position. How you handled a certain challenge (e.g. staffing issue, cash flow problems) based on your past behaviors, for example. With the integration ...
When compiling a list of interview questions for those in management, I stressed that prepping for the best interview questions can make a huge difference in how you perform at your next job interview. No matter the type of sales position you're within, whether it be insurance sales, inside or outside sales, management, executive, medical sales, real estate, or wherever, the below list will provide you with some of the best sales interview questions to help you prep for. Those in sales have been ...
As new technologies change the face of business, they are also changing how business gets done. An increasing number of employees are working from home or on the road, which makes the job of the network administrator a critical one to ensuring the smooth flow of communication. Job candidates in networking and computer systems should have a firm grasp of emerging network technologies, network processing, high-performance computing, network programming, and security issues. Sampling of possible interview questions for network and computer ...
The foundation of any profitable company is made up of an effective and productive support staff. The receptionists and secretaries (or what is more modernly called office administrators or assistants) help to make managers, executives, and entire departments do great things. Some would say that behind every great executive is an even greater administrative assistant. @teenarose The below list of interview questions for administrative assistants apply to the following professional fields: Medical & Legal Assistants — Sales Support Assistants — Personal Assistants to CEOs — Teaching ...
Advancements in technology, including marketing automation tools, will continue to be a big trend in the marketing field. Job candidates should be able to demonstrate that they have kept pace with the technology evolution. Additionally, the ability to do more with less and effectively measure the results of marketing efforts will be highly desired by companies where budgets are shrinking and the need for accountability is increasing. Sample Interview Questions for Marketing Professionals: Discuss what goes into effectively executing and monitoring the success of a campaign ...
Ever-changing and complex accounting, reporting, and tax rules will continue to create a need for talented accounting professionals. Those who have an interest in risk and regulatory compliance will be in demand. Additionally, it will be increasingly essential to obtain a CPA license as it has become the minimum accreditation for many public accounting and industry firms who have become far more selective since the economic meltdown of 2008. The ability to develop business will be a highly desired skill in job ...
Graphic design is an evolving industry with a highly specialized skill set required for entry and career progression. Creativity alone will not be enough to be competitive for today's design jobs. The ability to be collaborative with a team that includes non-creative types can be crucial to job success. Many designers love the craft of what they do but are less skilled in communicating with their clients in a business-like manner. Those designers who can offer expertise in concept, creation, strategy and ...
Working in higher education as a student affairs professional can be as rewarding as it is challenging. More than the planning of fun social activities, those working with college students must be prepared to deal with increasingly complex and serious life matters which could include suicide and violence prevention, veterans issues, mental health issues, gender and sexual identity, alcohol and drug abuse prevention, and relationship problems. Candidates with an ability to connect with students and "meet them where they are" will have the most success in ...
The increasing complexity of a workplace impacted by social, technological, political, and economic forces will require forward-thinking human resource professionals who can keep pace with rapid changes. Candidates who can demonstrate agility in shifting priorities to not only find and maintain the workforce of today, but to plan for the workforce of tomorrow will be in demand. Well-prepared candidates should be able to discuss keeping up with the latest technology trends, dealing with a multigenerational workplace, and understanding the job expectations of the ...
At once a career choice and a potential political argument, education is in the nation's spotlight. Although few would argue that the system is broken, the remedy remains up for debate. As a teaching professional, you may find yourself answering interview questions on the Common Core State Standards while trying not to become embroiled in a political discussion. Also, be prepared for questions about your involvement with advocating for all students, especially those considered at-risk. Sampling of Possible Interview Questions ...
Job opportunities for legal support professionals are expected to grow as the numbers of law school graduates declines. Additionally, demand for these positions will be high as many firms in an attempt to cut costs are relying on paralegals to do work that was previously done by entry-level associates. Consequently, legal support jobs are becoming more demanding and more firms are expecting job candidates to have previous practice experience, a bachelor's degree, and certification from an ABA-approved paralegal program. The most sought-after specialization in the legal ...
The rules of traditional banking are being challenged by customers who are increasingly demanding greater responsiveness and transparency from their financial services provider. This demand, coupled with competition from peer-to-peer lending, credit unions, and alternative lending sources, has had an impact on how banks are doing business. Candidates who can not only demonstrate sales ability, but a true understanding of the products and services offered by the bank will be able to set themselves apart from many personal bankers who receive little ...
The recruitment world is competitive and intense with a seemingly endless race to find and hire top talent. As technology continues to increase the efficiency of the recruitment process, there may be a shift toward more data-driven decisions. However, the best recruiters will continue to focus on building relationships with candidates as computers can't replace the value of human interaction in making good hiring decisions. Candidates should be able to discuss how to best use technology and big data in the recruitment process without losing ...
It's an exciting time to be in public relations with businesses and organizations becoming hyper-aware of how both offline and online reputation can impact the bottom line. With the potential for every customer interaction to be broadcast online, companies are looking for PR professionals who have experience with risk assessment and online reputation management. Social media has made the traditional news cycle a thing of the past. A savvy PR professional will know how to use social data to be a ...
Businesses are increasingly savvy about risk and actuaries will be in demand to help solve important risk-related business problems. Additionally, opportunities are expected because of the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act. For those seeking entry-level positions, employers will look most favorably upon candidates who have passed at least two exams and have at least one internship experience, preferably more than one. Candidates pursuing opportunities in business should be able to demonstrate experience in multiple functional areas (pricing, reserving, capital management, etc.) and in multiple ...
After a decade which saw heightened security measures and travel restrictions, the hotel industry continues to rebound, due in part due to the Travel Promotion Act, which has encouraged international travel to the United States. As the fastest growing customer segment within the hospitality industry, the millennial generation has extended the integration of technology in their every day lives to their travel experience. Their expectation is that hotels will offer the seamless use of technology to make reservations, check in, pay their restaurant and hotel bills, and find ...
In a time when a do-more-with-less environment has become the rule rather than the exception, human services agencies are looking to innovation and creative financing to survive. Forward thinking leaders are working to identify new ways to fund human services work in an effort to move away from the stranglehold the federal government currently has on the industry. Human services programs have been largely shaped by the amount of federal funds allocated and the stringent rules attached to receiving these public funds. An initiative to infuse ...
As traditional banks have increasingly come under fire for high fee structures and poor customer service, bank tellers are in the direct path of frustrated customers. With more and more customers taking to social media and providing direct feedback about their experience, some banks have taken advantage of this new channel to listen to customers and identify opportunities to service their clients better. This heightened focus on how banks treat their customers will impact the hiring process for tellers who must be able to deal effectively ...
As technology-based adaptive learning systems have started to take hold in higher education, some universities have seen a shift in the role of the professor from a provider of information to a facilitator of the learning process. Also, with the rise of big data, universities must determine how to best use information on student learning and behaviors. As more institutions invest in analytics to track student learning, the use of technology is poised to change how institutions and faculty evaluate student progress. Online learning is increasingly becoming a viable ...
Advancements in technology continue to fuel the marketing industry. Marketing managers will need to show they have kept pace with the technology evolution and have a good understanding of marketing automation tools to remain competitive. Engaging customers will require tech savvy, innovation, and forward thinking. Additionally, the most successful marketing managers will demonstrate prowess in collaborating with sales. As a marketing manager is often selling his own ideas, insights gained from these relationships can prove helpful. Expect questions about effectively capturing the millennials. While ...
Need a list of insurance interview questions? As the millennial generation continues to force a shift from traditional marketing strategies, the insurance sales industry is undergoing a transformation in how the entire sales process takes place. With more than 40 million online quotes, and growing, it is not uncommon for a customer to complete the entire transaction of purchasing insurance without ever speaking to an agent. Given the millennial generation's preference for this online experience, insurance agencies without a strong digital presence will lose ...
The word librarian, for some, may conjure up an image of a fussy, old school marm who is more interested in maintaining silence from people than the people themselves. The reality is, however, that many librarians are on the cutting edge of many new technologies and much more invested in quality customer service than the stereotype conveys. Making information available to as many people as efficiently as possible has put library science directly in the eye of the whirlwind of advances in information technology. In addition to being ...
Planning for an upcoming interview and need a list of veterinary technician interview questions? If so, you're not alone. The last 20 years have seen the field become more recognized and utilized by veterinarians and more recognizable by the general public. As the visibility has increased, so have the job opportunities, which are expected to continue to increase over the next ten-year period. Although each state regulates the practice of veterinary technology differently, most candidates must pass the Veterinary Technician National ...
Are you prepping for an upcoming job interview and need a sample list of real estate interview questions? As real estate markets across the country slowly inch toward a return to normalcy following the economic meltdown of 2008, real estate agents can expect an uptick in negotiating power for buyers and a more balanced market overall. Additionally, as the credit markets begin to loosen up and mortgage eligibility is made easier with a new program for buyers which requires less ...
The graying of the insurance industry means that by 2018, a quarter of the workers will be ready to retire. This will create an opportunity for those interested in joining this $4.23 trillion worldwide industry. Considered by many to be a mix of art and science, underwriters play a key role in the financial performance of the companies that employ them. As new technologies have automated some underwriting tasks, this has caused a shift in the role to focus more on relationship-building with agents/brokers to help facilitate ...
The new health care laws are creating opportunities for consultants who can offer expertise to help businesses navigate the confusion. In addition, those consultants who have a firm grasp of next-generation technology, including advanced analytic software, will be in demand as businesses are increasingly turning to technology to solve problems. While many consultants' educational pedigrees includes a business degree, the trend among firms is hiring candidates from a variety of educational backgrounds and with different life experiences. Those who can demonstrate not only a keen understanding ...
In the union of business and technology, business analysts often find themselves playing the part of marriage counselor. The best business analysts are able to see the big picture and translate that picture into a language both business executives and technology folks can understand. The ability to not only solve a problem, but more importantly identify the real problem, is more than half the battle for analysts. It is this ability to see the forest through the trees that allows the best analysts ...
With direct access to physical therapy now available in all 50 states and an aging baby boomer population, physical therapists are in demand. As increasing regulations and declining reimbursements negatively impact small practices, more opportunities may be found in larger practices, hospitals, home health agencies, and nursing homes. Physical therapists should be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of their care by documenting outcomes. This outcome data will be crucial as the pay-for-performance reimbursement model becomes the new standard. Sample of Possible ...
With many colleges and universities struggling with declining enrollment, decreasing budgets, and soaring student debt, candidates for administration positions in higher education must be able to discuss strategies for maintaining organizational viability. Not only are some institutions partnering with corporations to help fund campus facilities, but next-generation university-business partnerships are setting the stage for companies to help shape the curriculum to ensure a career-ready graduate pool from which to hire. Additionally, candidates should be prepared to discuss their role in student retention ...
With what seems like almost weekly tragedies occurring at the hands of unbalanced individuals wielding guns, mental illness is receiving lots of attention in the national spotlight. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 18.5% of adults, aged eighteen and older, had been diagnosed with a mental illness during 2013. This percentage represented 43.8 million adults living in the U.S. It's worth noting that this figure does not include those who are hospitalized in a mental health institution, but rather functioning within society ...
One of the hottest careers today involves the coupling of statistics and computer science. Big data is everywhere. Companies are realizing that the power and knowledge involved with making smart business decisions, often lie not only with those who have the best data access, but also the deepest understanding of that information. Welcome to the age of data science and the rise of the data scientist. A recent study predicts that by 2018, there will be a shortage of as many as 1.5 million analysts with ...
As both the public and private sectors strive to reduce information security risks, professionals who specialize in protecting computer networks and systems are increasingly in demand. Generally, this is not an entry-level position and most companies will expect candidates to have some IT experience and a bachelor's or master's degree in a computer-related field. As the higher education community plays catch-up with the real world need for highly skilled cyber security professionals, there are few college programs that prepare graduates for detecting and handling security ...
As our health care system continues to undergo a fundamental transformation, the need for supporting positions in the medical field is increasing. The transition to electronic medical records combined with increasingly complicated regulations and paperwork has made it necessary to staff more people to handle administrative office tasks in order to ensure compliance. Additionally, with fewer doctors entering the profession and many leaving it, there is a shortage of doctors expected at a time when the number of patients is increasing. The Association of ...
Do your eyes glaze over when you see a "promoted" tweet in your feed? If so, you are not alone - many users prefer to be able to control their content and avoid ads altogether. The challenge for candidates for social media marketing positions will be to demonstrate how they plan to promote their brand in a way that engages the audience instead of annoys it. Those who are able to generate relevant, targeted content by listening to their audience and cultivating ...
Big data is transforming the way business is done and allowing communications professionals to hone very specific messages to both internal and external audiences. As customers increasingly expect an efficient, multi-channel experience, communications professionals who can integrate content across many channels, as concisely as possible, will be in demand. Additionally, communications directors should expect to be asked about their SEO expertise as search engines become more complex. Sample of Possible Interview Questions for Communications Directors: How would you use our company's employees ...
Sometimes it seems we live in a world gone mad - there is a constant buzz of opinions and information from people via television, computers, and mobile devices that makes it difficult to focus on one's inner world and personal thoughts. Tuning out that noise can be easier for an adult than a young person, who is still trying to figure out who they are in the world and can be heavily influenced by others. With the immediacy of the connections to others online, today's ...
Every 8 seconds a new beneficiary is added to Medicare. The aging of the baby boomer generation is creating a boon for the healthcare industry: one in 3 of total new jobs over the next decade in the US will be in healthcare. Many of these aging baby boomers will seek to remain in their own homes for as long as possible, making home health care one of the most rapidly growing areas of healthcare. Although most home health care aide positions ...
Health care reform and the aging baby boomer generation is creating the perfect storm for a shortage of health care professionals in the upcoming years. As fewer physicians enter the field, The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the field of nursing practitioners will grow at a rate that is more than twice the national average for all other occupations. Candidates with strong clinical experience and the ability to demonstrate proof of top-notch communication skills and compassionate patient care will be ...
As mobile technology increasingly becomes an integral part of our daily lives, the advertising industry is striving to find ways to reach consumers through mobile ads without being viewed as intrusive. Candidates for advertising positions should be able to discuss strategies for using data analytics to connect with audiences by providing information that is useful to each person's particular experience. Digital video, hyperlocal advertising, automated advertising, and virtual reality are trending topics in advertising that candidates should be able to ...
Increasing pressure from government to reduce costs and demonstrate value has changed the landscape for life science companies in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical technology. Those who are able to adapt their business models to contain costs and maintain regulatory compliance will be most viable. And although investor confidence in biotechnology is on the rise, the funding levels are still below pre-recession figures. The aging baby boomer generation, expanded consumer access to health care, and intensified efforts to engage people in wellness and ...
In addition to being able to answer the common interview questions, professional engineers who can demonstrate insight into key factors that will shape the future of engineering will be the most coveted job candidates. The continued globalization of engineering will require innovation and ethical leadership to provide solutions to complex problems involving public health and safety. Additionally, with the increased presence of technology in everyday life, it will be important to keep pace with rapid technological advancements through continuous professional ...
A hot new list of interview questions today has everything to do with social media and online networking. With more employees getting on-board with social media as part of an employer's multi-channel promotional campaign is being the new norm. Just 10 years asking whether a candidate tweets was unheard of. Now, social media is a constant for many. Here is a growing list of interview questions for those within social media, but also job candidates who have social media and ...